You know in your heart that you have the best local chapter in the state. You believe you have the best members, best advisers, best local programs and activities, and overall a fantastic chapter. If there was only a way to show the rest of the state how great your chapter is. Georgia FBLA state theme this year is Building Bridges, the ultimate way to build bridges in all aspects of this organization is your local chapter can participate in Chapter of the Year! The Chapter of Year recognizes the top chapter in the state. Chapters earn points for participating in many activities offered by Georgia FBLA in the areas of chapter management, conference attendance and recognition, public relations, and participation in national and state projects.

Chapters earn points to earn the designations of Gold, Silver, or Bronze chapters. The top 20 high school Gold Chapters will be named Superior chapters, and the chapter that earns the most points throughout the year will be named the chapter of the year. Chapters entering this program can qualify for the prestigious Hollis and Kitty Guy Seal Chapter award of merit (HS) or the middle level champion chapter (ML) which recognizes the top 15% of the chapters in the nation. Are you feeling pumped to build these bridges? If so, the deadline for Chapter of the Year is February 9th for Middle Level and February 20th for High School Chapters.

I cannot wait to see all of you at the State Leadership Conference in March to see what bridges your chapter built this year.

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