Why You Should Attend Middle Level FLC

Middle Level FBLA leaders, don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to learn leadership skills and be able to network with other Middle Level leaders. If any of that sounds appealing to you, be sure to register for this year’s Middle Level Fall Leadership Conference in Athens, Georgia! At Middle Level FLC, you’ll learn everything you need to know to build your chapter’s reach to new heights!

When you walk into the conference center the morning of November 13, you’re sure to get swept up in the sprawling enthusiasm flowing through the halls. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed; join in on the fun by meeting new people! Even better, take advantage of this incredible chance to sharpen your leaderships skills by listening to the conference’s great speakers and informative workshops.

Take note of what you learn throughout your experience: you can expect to get a lot of new ideas from other chapter leaders to bring back to your own school! Best of all, you can bond with them over a shared passion you all have: FBLA!

To get in on this impactful experience, be sure to register by the October 8 deadline! The registration fee is $45, which grants you access to all sorts of leadership training, a delicious Chick-Fil-A lunch, an excitement-filled MONOPOLY® Tournament, and a Georgia FBLA souvenir t-shirt to mark your unforgettable FLC experience. The conference will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at around 4:00 p.m.

Don’t miss your chance! The Middle Level Fall Leadership Conference is your place to shine as a developing leader so you can take your leadership to new heights!

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