WWCHS FBLA Serves at Chamber of Commerce Banquet

WWCHS FBLA partnered with FFA to provide volunteer servers at the Annual Washington-Wilkes Chamber of Commerce Banquet. The banquet is an annual event designed to honor local businesses and individuals for outstanding work throughout the year. The guest speaker for the event was Mr. Gary Black, Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
This is an event FBLA has helped with for several years now. We decided to invite FFA to assist us in this Community Service event when we realized the guest speaker, Mr. Gary Black, had served as President for Georgia Future Farmers of America his senior year of high school in 1980. Several of our members are members of both FBLA and FFA. We decided this would be a perfect joint community service project.
The members arrived an hour early to allow time for training. After the training session the members began by lighting candles on all of the tables. The members assumed the job of server for the evening. Each member was responsible for two tables, with around sixteen guests total at the two tables. One member was responsible for three tables, with about twenty-four guests.
The members served each guest their salad, entree, and dessert. The members were also responsible for taking care of drink needs for the guests by refilling tea and water glasses. They also took care of any of the guests other dining needs.
It was a successful evening for the members. All of them did a great job and were polite and social during it all. The guests for the evening were very complimentary of all of the students and seem very appreciative for their service efforts.

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