Berrien Middle School Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO’s) are spreading spirit as they head back to school. These organizations have two common goals—fostering teamwork and giving back to their community. Both of these goals were demonstrated by the middle level chapters of FBLA, FFA, and TSA as they prepare for a new school year.
These clubs worked together to make a donation to the School Supply Drive sponsored by the Berrien County Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS). Members of the clubs went on a shopping spree to Dollar General to purchase items for the drive. The club members had a great time choosing school supplies. Items purchased included pencils, erasers, notebook paper, crayons, highlighters, glue sticks, scissors, folders, pencil pouches, notebooks, and bookbags. The items were presented to the DFCS office. Mrs. Sharon Paris and other DFCS workers were very grateful for the donation by our Berrien Middle School FBLA, FFA, and TSA chapters. This project accomplished both the goal of teamwork and community service and allowed the clubs to spread a little spirit to others.