It’s that time of year again! The summer is coming to an end and it is time to start another great FBLA year! In other words, it is time for fun filled chapter meetings (with food), awesome Georgia FBLA state-wide conferences, cool community and school service activities, friendly competitions, and lots and lots of recruitment.
As a returning Georgia FBLA Middle Level member, you know how fun and exciting it is to be a part of a FBLA chapter. You also want to share this experience with your peers throughout the upcoming year so that they can experience how awesome it feels to be a Georgia FBLA member too. In order to do this, you need to promote awareness for your local FBLA chapter within your community. A great way to help increase interest in your chapter is to create promotional media.
We were all new Middle School students at one time. When we first walked through our school’s doors, we did not really have an idea about what organizations we wanted to join and how we wanted to get involved. As rising sixth graders and new students start filing through your school’s doors, they may not really know what organizations to sign-up for, either. Help them decide on the right track early by creating flyers, posters, bulletin boards, exhibits, and banners that will attract their attention towards FBLA! This will not only help promote your FBLA chapter and increase your chapter’s membership substantially, but it will also help you complete your MAPs activities at both the Entrepreneur and Business Levels.
Connect with your adviser before your school’s annual Open House to plan the exhibit or to design the poster. By dedicating one afternoon during your school week to the planning and designing of your medium, you can mark off one of the activities that need to be completed on your Middle-Level Achievement Program! This does not have to be an individual project! Have fun with this activity and create a group of returning Middle-Level members who can help you complete this activity. Get started on your FBLA experience early by getting a head start on your MAPs!