Bleckley County High School’s Future Business Leaders of America was awarded the 2016 Bibb/Macon March for Babies Top FBLA Team Award. Bleckley FBLA members and advisers are elated about the donation of $900.00 they were able to make to this worthy cause this past school year.
BCHS FBLA President, Lacey W. and March of Dimes Chair, Tyler S. are shown above with the award and a handwritten note from Glenda Davis, Senior Development Manager of Central/Southern Georgia March of Dimes. Ms. Davis expressed her appreciation for our organization’s hard work and continued support and dedication to the cause. Ms. Davis commented that Bleckley High’s FBLA is truly making a difference in the lives of babies in Middle Georgia and beyond.
March of Dimes’ March for Babies is an FBLA State Project that BCHS FBLA takes to heart. Each year we participate in a variety of activities to earn money for this cause. We appreciate the willingness of Superintendent Steve Smith to allow us to hold a system wide dress down week each year as well as a Hats On For Babies hat day at BCHS each year. We hope to expand opportunities to raise money for this cause in the future.