Former FBLA Member Speaks at RLA Retreat

On August 23, 2020, the Bleckley County CTSOs had the opportunity to learn a few leadership skills from former FBLA member and FFA State President Tucker F. Tucker talked about the importance of learning leadership skills as a high school, and how the information and skills that we learn at the Royal Leadership Academy will benefit us, no matter where our career leads. After Tucker gave his presentation, he opened the table for questions and discussion. During this
time, he gave us information and advice about applying to colleges, changing your major, and life at UGA. Beyond college, he shared the importance of building bonds with those who you are leading with now, as those are the people who will stay friends, even after graduation!
In conclusion, the CTSO officers, learned some valuable information from Tucker F, and they are grateful that he took time to join them at their meeting!

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