Hello, Georgia FBLA! I’m back with another fundraising idea of the month. As a high school student, I can relate 100% to the struggles of the high school teenager. We all have that one extremely difficult teacher who gives an overbearing amount of work or who has the hardest grading policy in your entire school! Would you like to get revenge on that teacher? Legal revenge, of course. Students will truly enjoy getting back at a teacher who causes them a multitude of long nights and after school study sessions.
In order for this fundraiser to be a success, you will first need permission from a school administrator, and consent from the teacher who wants to participate in the activity. The ideal time to host this fundraiser would be during the beginning portion of the next home football game. It is best to promote the fundraiser one to two weeks in advance to prepare the students.
YOU determine how to get revenge. Have fun! 🙂