Icebreaker of the Month #5

Icebreaker of the Month

Do you have members that refuse to participate in icebreakers? Are your students tired of doing the same exact things at every meeting? This month’s icebreaker is sure to make every member giggle while being forced to think quickly on the spot.


Have all of your members (and any advisers wanting to play) stand in one giant circle, side by side with their hands out. The left hand goes under the player to the left’s right hand and the right hand goes over the player to the right’s hand. When the song begins, the players will go clockwise, gently slapping the next player’s hand. The song will reach a point where a potential category will pop up. The last player to have their hand slapped will pick the category at this point. Then, the hand slapping continues, but each person will yell out something that fits into that category when their hand is slapped until a player either repeats an answer, says an answer that is not true, or hesitates. An example script is provided below along with the song.


Let’s play Concentration: no repeats or hesitation. Category is: (This is where the last player will pick) “Disney Movies!”

*Clockwise hand slapping continues*

“Cinderella!” “Up!” “A Bug’s Life!” “The Little Mermaid!” “Maleficent!” “Toy Story!” “Peter Pan!” “The Jungle Book!” “Aladdin!” “The Good Dinosaur!” “Big Hero 6!” “Star Wars!” “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves!” “Tangled!” “Frozen!” “Pocahontas!” “Mulan!” “The Sword in the Stone!”

*Until Suddenly*

“…uh… Harry Potter!”

The last player would be out of the game because not only did they hesitate, but they claimed Harry Potter is a Disney Movie and that is not true. The game would continue until only two people are left and the last person standing wins.



This is the Icebreaker of the month! Check back next month for another fun icebreaker.

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