Icebreaker of the Month

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Hopefully, you are singing that classic holiday song by now, but if not, it truly is a great time of the semester! Holiday shopping, finals, and our personal favorite: Region Leadership Conferences, are all coming up!

As students prep for their various events, your chapter can light off the end of a semester with a fun and festive icebreaker! Let’s call this month’s icebreaker Lip Sync Battle: Holiday Edition. Allow students to go head to head against another student on lip syncing to one of their favorite holiday songs.

You can play quick 30 second clips and have your meeting attendees vote on who lip sang the best to some holiday classics. Some favorites are Jingle Bell Rock or even Frosty the Snowman! Make sure to take lots of pictures and videos of the members rocking it out! We hope this is another fun icebreaker idea for you and Happy Holidays!

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