Running for a Georgia FBLA Region Officer position can be the start to a thriving career in FBLA. Region officers not only serve their respective regions, they serve as ambassadors for our entire organization. While serving as a region officer you will develop skills pertaining to public speaking, networking, presenting workshops, proper dining etiquette, and so much more! Serving as a 2014 – 2015 region officer was one of the best times in my FBLA career. I met so many people who are still my very close friends today. As a region officer you will be required to attend ALL Georgia FBLA conferences and lead your Region Leadership Conference. You should also have the Future Level of the business achievement awards or higher completed before you submit your application. Applications will be submitted online this year. To access this application, ask your local chapter adviser to check the Georgia FBLA Livebinder.The final deadline to submit your region officer application December 4th! Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity! I look forward to seeing our newly appointed region officers at the 2016 State Leadership Conference!