Just last week the South Forsyth FBLA chapter attended Region Leadership Conference and performed splendidly, much to the delight of our members. The workshops hosted were professional and engaging. Two of the workshops were hosted by South Forsyth’s own region officers Harina and Rahul. Out of the 133 competitors from South a grand total of 72 event awards were bestowed, including 31 Top 3 finishes, and 59 individuals or teams that qualified to proceed to the State Leadership Conference in their respective events. To top it all off South, for the second consecutive year, won first place in the region sweepstakes championship; beating out rival schools Lambert and Brookwood.
Some responses from our members:
“Second year in a row! We are the champions!” – Sahil
“So proud of myself and the chapter!” – Scott
“So much fun! I definitly recommend it for all FBLA members.” – Mike