Shiloh High School’s FBLA Chapter started off the school year with 69 members and 7 Officers to ensure everything runs smoothly. Our leadership team is composed of new and old members: Jaxen H., President, Dayshanell H., Vice President, Saba A., Vice President Chapter of the Year, Naya E., Secretary, Emily H., Reporter, Beau A., Parliamentarian and Susana N., Historian. Our officers attended the FBLA Officer Induction Ceremony on September 27, 2016 at Collins Hill High School with many other schools in the Gwinnett County region.
On September 24, 2016, a few of the Shiloh FBLA members attended a social event at Dave and Buster’s to better our relationships and become closer to one another. Another way we build our relationships is with team bonding activities at each of the semi-monthly meetings. Not only are we building relationships, but we’re creating ambition to win with friendly competition amongst members.