It is always the right time to make the right choice, so get ready to embark on a journey with this year’s state project, “The Choice Is Yours”. This year’s project places a special focus on helping members become knowledgeable about developing logical arguments for decision-making and having an ethical impact in society.

In addition to having the opportunity to identify personal, business, and online ethical guidelines, chapters will also be challenged to identify the consequences of unethical and illegal conduct. Through fundraising and community service hours in partnership with local charities, chapters will be able to earn awards and recognition by earning various amounts of points.

Points will be rewarded according to how each chapter demonstrates the primary goals of this project. “The Choice Is Yours” will prompt students to achieve goals such as the following: learning internet protection technology and practices; researching major businesses or corporations that have dealt with ethical dilemmas; identifying unethical marketing practices of web based practices and behavior; and demonstrating ethical and legal actions with regards to plagiarism, fair use, and copyright laws. Overall, it is this project’s hope that members come to obtain a better understanding of ethical decision-making and the impact it has on society.

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