Operation Christmas Child with Brookwood High School

The holidays are a time of great joy for some. They are a time for fun, family, and togetherness. Throughout the United States however, millions of children face these holidays devoid of the joy and happiness that the holidays should bring them.  Their parents may be facing hard times financially, or they are just alone. This should not be. Organizations like Samaritans Purse are dedicated the help spread the Christmas cheer. With Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child, gift-filled shoeboxes are distributed globally to children in need. Brookwood High School’s FBLA chapter decided to team up with our Mid-level Chapter, Five Forks to make sure that we did our part to help millions of children all around America and the world to enjoy their holiday season.

We asked for donations to be brought in and we proceeded to fill many boxes with as much toys as possible. The boxes were categorized by gender and age group, and we put toys in each appropriate category to maximize the potential happiness of the children who are to receive the toys. In addition to filling out about a hundred boxes with the many toys we generously received for our community through our shoebox drive, we also wrote notes of hope and encouragement. The notes were place on top of the toys in the box.

Operation Christmas child was a definite success, and raising so many toys for children in need offered a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction to all our FBLA officers and members from both the highs school and middle level. When asked why he chose to volunteer freshman, Boris Stephens, stated that “I feel like I chose to volunteer in operation Christmas child because I want to give back to the community.” One of the Midlevel members, Aanya Patel, said, “To me, Operation Christmas child is important because we get to make children across the country happy.” Brookwood’s officers we also asked. Our club president, Mya Swaby, commented that through this shoebox drive she has been inspired to continue spreading love and positivity to her community. The vice president of social activities, Raegan Patterson was asked what her favorite part of Operation Christmas child was. She said, “Writing amazing letters to children because I know how happy my note makes then when the open their shoebox full of gifts knowing that someone is thinking about them.” Overall, Brookwood High school and Five Forks Middle School came together to make this event a success and we are honored to be able to serve our community and nation through Operation Christmas Child.

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