Recruiting Professional Division Members

In addition to recruiting chapter members, be sure to involve your community and business leaders by recruiting them as professional division members!  Anyone who supports FBLA can join – parents, teachers, advisers, local business owners.  These members are an essential element to a successful chapter.  They can help members learn more about the business world by sharing their experiences and providing advice.  Professional division members can also assist in competitive event preparation by judging and critiquing presentations, practice mock interviews, and just sharing knowledge on subjects they are familiar with.

To recruit a professional division member, share the benefits of joining.  Not only will he/she help your chapter succeed, but the member will also have the opportunity to take advantage of discounts included in their membership.  Members will receive perks and discounts from everywhere ranging from Amazon to Uber.  Dues are $25. Go to the National website to learn more about the Professional Division to view the membership application.

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