Swainsboro FBLA Hosts Silent Auction Fundraiser

Swainsboro High School FBLA held its annual silent auction fundraiser on Friday, October 30. Members collected over 150 items for the auction from local businesses and individuals. The auction was […]
Loganville High School BAA Workshop

On Thursday, October 29th, Loganville High School FBLA hosted a BAA workshop and nacho party. The members enjoyed nachos, cookies, and soft drinks while socializing after school. Then, advisers assisted […]
Sonoraville High FBLA Participates in Motivational Rally
Twenty members, one adviser, and one chaperone traveled to Perry, Georgia on October 15, 2015 to attend the Georgia FBLA Fall Motivational Rally with over 9,200 additional FBLA (Future Business Leaders of […]
Sonoraville High FBLA Raises Money for March of Dimes
FBLA members and business students from grades 8-12 will again help out the March of Dimes. The chapter held their October 29, 2015 meeting and kicked-off the spring ’16 campaign. […]
Swainsboro FBLA Recognizes Bus Drivers

October 18-24 marked National School Bus Safety Week. In appreciation of their local bus drivers, Swainsboro High School FBLA distributed bottles of water to all Tiger Trail drivers as they picked […]