Athens Struck by Bleckley FBLA

Bleckley High School FBLA attended Fall Leadership Conference in Athens recently! Members had a magnificent time learning about leadership by completing Leadership Tracks. Multiple Bleckley FBLA members completed the Statesmen Award Test leading to three successful Statesmen from Bleckley: Tyler S., Caitlyn W. and Adviser, Melissa B.. Bleckley FBLA submitted their FBLA Scrapbook pages and submitted a Christmas themed FBLA basket to the silent raffle. Winning baskets at the raffle were Olivia W., Tyler S., and Emily A..

While in Athens we were able to spend time bonding, eating good food, talking about future plans, celebrating American Enterprise Day and teaching others about March of Dimes and Premature Birth Awareness Day. Two of our students received open testing awards from Fall Rally Competition. Abbie A. received third place in Open Testing in Banking and Financial Systems and Alex N. received a first place certificate in Open Testing for Database Design and Management.

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