BAA Activity of the Week #08

October because of football season, Fall Break, or college applications, you should continue to work on activities to help pace yourself for the March deadline. An activity that you can complete quickly is Activity #8 under the Service Category of the America Level BAAs.

As the FBLA year kicks off, many of your chapter members will be unsure of why and how they should contribute to the chapter. They may need a pointer, or better yet, a motivational meeting, to help them understand how they can make a difference within your local chapter. A Power Lunch is a great way to help motivate your members about the upcoming year! Plan the lunch at least two weeks in advance and invite all of your local chapter members! A lunch does require food, so be sure to speak with your adviser before making any definite plans!

To make this lunch impactful, invite a local businessperson to speak at your meeting. Using the FBLA Official Format Guide, prepare an e-mail or letter to invite the guest to speak at your meeting. Before sending the invitation, have your adviser proofread your letter or e-mail. Be sure to send this request at least one week before the meeting so that the speaker has time to accept the invitation and plan a presentation!

In order to get one step closer to finishing the final level of the BAAs, contact your local chapter adviser today to receive your individual login information. All BAAs must be submitted by the national deadline, March 1, 2016. If you would like to preview the requirements for the America BAA, click on the following link:

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