Bowdon Future Business Leaders of America Change the World with March of Dimes

Bowdon High School FBLA is taking great steps toward changing the world. Our local chapter goes far out to help raise money for the March of Dimes organization. In November we celebrate Prematurity Awareness Month to try and raise awareness about premature birth by announcements, posters, and flyers. Each year we tackle several activities to try to raise as much money as we can throughout the year for the March of Dimes. Do not count us out on the road to saving the babies!

Bowdon FBLA raises money with change from babies’ milk cartons for an entire month to raise as much money as possible, and we also turn it into one grand friendly completion! Each homeroom is given a box to collect change. After all donations are counted the homeroom with the most change wins a waffle party administered by FBLA members. Our members love to participate in the March of Dimes Fantasy of Lights walk in November. We travel to Callaway Gardens and walk through the park (no vehicles allowed). In December the fun is still going on as the teachers participate in Blue Jeans for Babies. When it gets close to the end of the year our chapter is still not being counted out, because we also do a March of Dimes walk at John Tanner State Park, a local park that always participates. This chapter stays on its toes to keep the march going for March of Dimes.


Pictured at Callaway Gardens:  Tre Pledger, Dominick Kelly, Nicole Fields, Alec Wheelus, and Logan Lee


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