Chapter of the Year Activity of the Month #2

Chapter of the Year! One of the greatest achievements a local chapter can win. It involves hard work. It involves strenuous dedication… so here’s ANOTHER “easy” activity that can win you both points towards your COTY form and your local chapter organization:

PUBLICIZING YOUR CHAPTER! The following are some tasks from which you can get easy publicity and easy points:

  • 2 points for each article appearing in the school/system newspaper, newsletter, or website (max 10 points)
  • 10 points for each article appearing in the local/community newspaper (pictures without an article do not count)
  • 5 points for developing and publishing a chapter website about your chapter’s current year activities
  • 5 points for developing and maintaining a chapter social media page (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) (max 5 points)

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