Georgia Power Educating for the Future

Mr. Bill Glisson visited BCHS Business classes and FBLA members to present information about Georgia Power and better methods to conserve electricity as well as careers available throughout the company. Some of the methods Glisson taught us were opening blinds and using natural light, unplugging electronics and chargers, taking a shower for the duration of a song or two, and programming thermostats or upgrading to a programmable thermostat. The students were given a Top 10 Energy Saving Tip Sheet. All students were given a Free Energy Saving Kit Order Form equipped with a 9 watt led bulb, a shower timer and energy conservation wheel, and more! We were so thankful to have Glisson come and share his information with us, and as Benjamin Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.” There are many ways to save money. It doesn’t just have to be the amount you put into a special account each pay check. We can all become wiser consumers and save money for ourselves and our families.

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