HOCO FBLA Recognized at Board Meeting

Houston County High School’s Future Business Leaders of America was personally invited by Houston County’s Superintendent, Dr. Mark Scott, to be recognized at the county’s September Board meeting. Students Michael and Nivedha attended the meeting, accompanied by adviser Mrs. Sheila Jones and Principal Dr. Doug Rizer. Michael placed 7th in Introduction to Information Technology at the 2015 National Leadership Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Nivedha was elected the 2015-2016 State Secretary at the 2015 State Leadership Conference.

During the Board meeting, all actions and motions were done according to Robert’s Rules of Order- Newly Revised. Whether it was changing a policy, nominating a new chair, or electing a new member, the Board utilized parliamentary procedures to accomplish their tasks. Houston County High School’s FBLA had a chance to witness parliamentary procedures being used in the real world setting. This caused many of the students to develop a new interest on the topic.

“The efficiency with which the Board members conducted their meeting using parliamentary procedures was amazing,” says Michael, “I really appreciate and understand why parliamentary procedures exists now!”

The Board Chairman, Mr. Fred Wilson, and Houston County’s School Superintendent, Dr. Mark Scott, personally congratulated both students on their phenomenal accomplishments. FBLA students from across the county were also recognized for their accomplishments during the Board meeting. The students and advisers had a chance to meet with the Board and to talk to them about FBLA. Houston County High’s FBLA had a great time sharing what their favorite organization was with the county!

Sheila Jones, Houston County High School FBLA Adviser

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