HOCO FBLA Officer Team Attends SLOTS

Over the summer, Houston County High School’s Chapter of FBLA attended the GA FBLA SLOTS conference. This event is held exclusively for chapters’ officers. At the conference, upcoming officers are given the chance to learn about their position, play games, network with other chapters and plan for the upcoming year.

Training at SLOTS is provided by GA FBLA Officer Alumni. The sessions are grouped by position, for example, all of the chapter presidents were instructed to attend a session in one area while vice presidents met in another area. After attending individual sessions, the officer team met back up and participated in team building activities with other schools. Several of the activities that the officers experienced are being implemented in the chapter meetings. After lunch, provided by Chick-Fil-A, each officer team and advisors were given time to sit down and discuss future plans. This time is designed for the officers to plan for the year using strategies that were learned at the training sessions.

Representatives from Houston County High School included: Hope, David, Michael, Kyrsten, David, Briana, India, Maddie, Sasha, Tam as well as advisers Sheila Jones and Jenny Jackson.

Houston County High School’s FBLA Advisers are: Ms. Shelia Carswell, Mrs. Jenny Jackson, Ms. Gina Jessup and Mrs. Karma Hayes. CTAE Supervisor is Mr. Wesley Martin. Principal of Houston County High School is Dr. Doug Rizer. Houston County High School is located at 920 Highway 96.

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