Icebreaker of the Month #1

Maddie’s Icebreaker of the Month

The Back-to-School phase of the year is starting to end and that means it is time for your chapter’s first meeting! No first meeting can be successful without a fun way for everyone to get to know each other. What is better than a fun icebreaker? This is Maddie’s Icebreaker of the Month.

Missing Luggage

Give each member in attendance a small slip of paper. Tell them to write five things that describe themselves that you would find in their suitcase. (For example, mine would have a Pandora bracelet, ticket to Walt Disney World, picture of myself with some of my closest friends, one pair of drumsticks, and a How to Take the ACT for Dummies book.) After they have done this, take the slips of paper and announce what is in each suitcase, making every member guess whose suitcase it is.

This is Maddie’s Icebreaker of the Month! Be sure to check back next month for more fun Icebreakers.

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