Icebreaker of the Month #2

Do you have members that refuse to participate in icebreakers? Are your students tired of doing the same exact things at every meeting? This month’s icebreaker is a classic.

Mr. & Mrs. Wright
To play this icebreaker, you will need “hats.” (Paper bowls work fantastic.) Have all of your members stand in a circle and put a hat on their head. Have an adviser or an officer read the story. Every time they hear the word “RIGHT” they pass their hat to their right. When they hear the word “LEFT” they will pass their hat to the left.
Mr. and Mrs. Right

This is a story about Mr. and Mrs WRIGHT.

One evening they were baking cookies. Mrs. WRIGHT called from the kitchen, “Oh, no, there is no flour LEFT! You will need to go RIGHT out to the store.”

“I can’t believe you forgot to check the pantry,” grumbled MR. WRIGHT. “You never get anything RIGHT!”

“Don’t be difficult, dear,” replied Mrs. WRIGHT. “It will only take twenty minutes if you come RIGHT back. Go to Fifty-first and Peoria, and turn LEFT at the stop sign. Then go to Sixty-first Street and turn RIGHT, and there it will be on your LEFT,” declared Mrs. WRIGHT as her husband LEFT the house.

Mr. WRIGHT found the store and asked the clerk where he could find the flour. The clerk pointed and said, “Go to Aisle four and turn LEFT. The flour and sugar will be on your LEFT.”

Mr. WRIGHT made his purchase and walked RIGHT out the door. He turned LEFT, but he couldn’t remember where he had LEFT his car. Suddenly he remembered that he had driven Mrs. WRIGHT’S car and that his car was in the driveway at home RIGHT where he had LEFT it. He finally found the RIGHT car and put his purchase RIGHT inside.

Eventually, a weary Mr. WRIGHT found his way home. Mrs. WRIGHT had been waiting impatiently. “I thought you would be RIGHT back,” she said. “I LEFT all the cookie ingredients on the kitchen counter, and the cats got into the milk. You’ll just have to go RIGHT out again.”

Mr. WRIGHT sighed. He had no energy LEFT. “I am going RIGHT to bed,” he said. “Anyway, I need to go on a diet, so I might as well start RIGHT now. Isn’t that RIGHT, dear?”
(story found at
This is Maddie’s Icebreaker of the month! Check back next month for another fun icebreaker.

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