Icebreaker of the Month #4

Icebreaker of the Month

Do you have members that refuse to participate in icebreakers? Are your students tired of doing the same exact things at every meeting? This month’s icebreaker is sure to make every member participating use their brain and put their personality to the test.

Lost on a Deserted Island

The situation is dire; the entire group has become shipwrecked on a deserted island. Everyone is allowed to have one item with them (ideally something that represents themselves or their personality.) Then, go around the room and have everyone explain what their item of choice is and why they chose that item. Encourage the members to be creative – not realistic. For example, if one loves music they might bring a guitar. If one loves food, they might bring a sirloin steak. If one is an animal lover, they might bring their dog. The crazier the results are, the more fun the next part will be.

After everyone explains why they are bringing their items, divide them into smaller groups with their items to increase their chances of survival. Give the members time to come up with a plan on how their group will survive with their items, then have each group present how they will survive.

This is the Icebreaker of the month! Check back next month for another fun icebreaker.

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