Icebreaker of the Month

Remember that famous Georgia FBLA theme? Well, the Suit Up Challenge is the perfect name for January’s Icebreaker of the Month. Split up your member attendees into groups, depending on the number of students at your meeting. Have each group pick one person to be the model to dress. Each group will have one minute to get the most business dress items on their model. Whichever group gets the most dress items on their model will win.
You can hand out candy prizes or Chick-fil-A coupons for a group prize! Make sure to have plenty of business dress items for groups to put on their model. If you do not have a meeting topic for this month, this can be a new way to tie in how to dress for interviews or proper dress in the business world and there is no better way to do that with a cool new game and some rad prizes.

Good luck if you decide on using this icebreaker in your next chapter meeting. Have fun and Happy New Year! See you soon at your Region Leadership Conference!

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