MAP Activity of the Month #2: Walk for Babies!

As October begins and the fall weather starts to lower outdoor temperatures, your chapter should start looking for community service, school service, and fundraising events to perform or participate in. Not only can participating in a service or fundraising event earn your chapter Chapter of the Year points, but it can also help raise awareness within the community for your local FBLA chapter! One charitable organization that all of us in FBLA should raise awareness and funds for is the March of Dimes.

The March of Dimes is a non-profit, global organization created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on January 3, 1938. Its current mission is to prevent birth defects and infant mortality. The March of Dimes supports research for the genetic causes of birth defects and has educated medical professionals and the public on the best practices for healthy pregnancies. They have helped the country’s preterm birth rate decline by 11 percent over the past 7 years to the current rate of 11.4 percent. They also help shoulder some of the costs that families with premature births have to spend at their own expense. An estimated $26 billion goes toward raising and nurturing premature babies annually! The organization also speaks out for legislation that improves care for moms and babies, further helping families who are dealing with premature births.

So what can you do to help this great cause?

Every year, the March of Dimes conducts various “Walk for Babies” events throughout Georgia. At these events, those groups or individuals who have helped raise money and awareness for a prematurely-born child get a chance to meet with the child and speak with others who are passionate about the organization’s mission. These walks are a morning or afternoon filled with fun, food, and walking within your community!

To help promote this organization, you can create a poster or flyer about the March of Dimes to hand out at your local chapter meeting or throughout your school. By doing so, you create support and awareness for the March of Dimes within your school and community. This is also a great way to get your chapter prepped for the community service and school service season!

This activity is Activity #3 under the School/ Community Service column of your Business Level MAPS!! For more information on how to get started or to find a Walk near you, please visit! It is never too late to start fundraising for this charitable organization!

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