Officer Elections at Your School

As the new school year begins you need might need new officers to serve your local chapter. Here are some different ways chapters hold their elections in order to make sure the best officers are elected for your chapter.


Closed Ballot – This method is the most secure form of voting to ensure elections do not become a popularity vote. Voting booths should be set up for members to cast their votes one at a time. Election facilitators can help the process run smoother (i.e. alumni, teachers, outgoing seniors, or advisers).

Open Ballot – While not as secure as secret ballots, open ballots are more efficient. Members can vote all at once in an open area. This option is best for chapters with more than 100 members.


Speeches – The traditional speech shows off the candidate’s public speaking skills and tells the members of their experience in FBLA.

Caucus – The caucus style takes away the element of a speech and incites genuine, impromptu answers to questions regarding their plan for the chapter from candidates. Placing a time limit on answers can limit rambling and move the process along. Questions can be asked by advisers and members.

How does your chapter hold elections?

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