Georgia FBLA is all about staying in touch with the events and activities our members are participating in each month. A great way to do that is by submitting articles to be posted on the Georgia FBLA website! It’s a great way to share news of how your chapters are SHINING this year!

Here are three simple steps to submit you chapter news for all of Georgia FBLA’s 25,000 members to see!

  1. Draft
  2. Edit
  3. Submit


You first need to start off by drafting a post. Start coming up with ideas and collecting information and pictures for your article submission. Your article can be about anything from an FBLA event, community service project, or just a tip for other chapters!


The next step is to edit your article. Go through your article and make sure your sure everything is spelled and punctuated correctly. Make sure your Author Biography is updated, your article does not include students’ full names (First Name and Last Initial only), and you spell adviser with an “e”. 


Go to the NEWS and click SUBMIT A POST. Your article will be reviewed and posted on the State Website in a few days!

Don’t forget! Your chapters can also receive Chapter of the Year points for submitting articles. With these three steps, thousands of Georgia FBLA members and advisers will see how your chapter is taking part in their TIME TO SHINE! Good luck and happy writing!

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